Thursday, August 18, 2005

Kids say the darndest things!

Kids say the darndest things. I'm in the process of trying to get my lil nephew potty trained. WELL, usually we say "poopoo" or "making stinkies" when he wants to use the restroom. The other day, he runs in the bathroom and screams "caca, caca, caca." Who the hell teaches their kid to say "caca" and where did he learn it? That's such a terrible word. I'd rather hear the kid say shit than caca. What if I'm out in public with him? He screams "caca, caca" at the top of his lungs? Good golly... It just makes me grossed out to hear that. So, I tried to correct this word. I repeated the other words over and over again. However, he only screams the other word louder! I am soooooooooooooooo NOT cut out for this auntie/mommy thing.

I've got a date on Saturday night too! My lil sis and I are going to have dinner and go see a movie. Now I have to figure a way to get away from the hospital long enough to do that! AND both of my bestfriends may be coming up in the next two weeks. It's been a pretty lonely road up here. I just can't wait until I can see them!


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