Thursday, June 09, 2005

stories to tell

I was approached, yet again by the same guy today. He seems nice and we just said hello this time. That's cool...being able to say hello to someone by name and just pass by.

I'm doing a lot of work in various areas of music. My mind is scattered today. I can't seem to focus...maybe it is because that absolutely adorable bass player guy called me...maybe it is because I was offered a gig with the absolutely adorable bass player, or maybe its just because my mind is usually "out to lunch" most of the time. Who knows what the answer is. Chances are it is answer C...."out to lunch." I read that book the other night....He's Just Not That Into You. You know, if they guy is interested, he will make the move....something will happen. And if it doesn't happen, don't get yourself caught up in this whirl-wind of thoughts and feelings. Why create something that isn't there? Most if not all women do this. We make excuses for them...oh, they forgot to call...he probably got too busy, yada yada yada....It's all bullshit and should be swept under the rug. And then there is this guy who says, "women only pursue me." I can tell you right there, he's not gonna settle for any of those women who "pursue him." You know why? Because they came on to him...the majority of the time, men come on to women...and we all enjoy the "chase" aspect of it...the feeling of being wanted. It's gotta go both ways. If it is only one sided, it will get old...because if you are smitten with someone, you will both find ways to see each other. It won't be one sided. It is sooooooo SIMPLE. So, until the day that this all happens to me, I will be living it up, enjoying the days and nights that I create those stories to tell when I am old...and I definately want there to be some GOOD stories. I need to let my wild streak out now...cause I certainly don't need a midlife crisis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With you, always it is to do with looks. Looks, looks, looks, care not for one's soul and heart do you?


ps... maybe I shouldn't have seen star wars so many times

6:43 AM  

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