Sunday, May 15, 2005

party clean up time

Last night was a crazy party. I was drunker than drunk and laughed quite a bit. My night started out pretty shitty though.

When am I gonna start making me happy? It seems like I try to please everyone and their mother and never think of myself. I've been doing this for years now. I try to be everyone's caretaker. Sometimes I would like to move away and leave everyone and everything behind. At least this is how I felt early last night. I've had a bit of time to relax and let some of my frustrations out. That is why partying can be so good.

Last night was fun. We played drinking games and drunken scattegories. I'm waiting for the twister to come out. I was just reminded of a party I went to a few years back when my friend Steve lived here. We were all drunk and he is known to be quite the salsa dancer. I remember getting the whole room of people up and teaching them salsa dancing. Now that was a fun night. Anyways, last night we ended up sitting around until about 4:30 throwing hiccumma (sp?) and zuchini around the room. It was entertaining to say the least.

why is it when you put yourself out there on the line you don't always get the response you want, but when you keep to yourself it draws people in? Men....I can't read them anymore and won't even attempt to try!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very rarely are two people ever in 'the same place' at the same time, if you catch my drift... it's why a lot of the time we never get the response we want.....


5:40 AM  
Blogger Quyen said...

Jicama... and you need to fucking make your move! Yes, I posted that and no, you're not going to delete it! So, there! :P

1:15 PM  

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