I had an interesting evening. I relaxed at home for a while. I watched tv, typed on the internet and had a facial. It was nice to unwind. I then got together with a friend and wandered through Target and Walmart. Now that was entertainment. If you can't figure out what to do in the valley, just to go to walmart. We wandered the isles looking at stupid shit. We decided to head over to toy department when all of a sudden I hear this scream. My friend lets out this shrill. I turned around to see this huge fake spider. I almost fell on the floor laughing. It looked so real. Then we found this great puzzle of the New York City sky line. So we spent about two hours tonight trying to piece some of it together. After turning into a couple of cross-eyed geeks, we turned on the television to watch tv. An exciting night i must say.....It was very enjoyable.
I really need to make an appointment with a dentist. It has been a while since i have gotten my teeth cleaned and I really could use the check up. I don't have a good dentist down in the LA area though. I had this one professor who spoke about his dentist. He said that he went in for a regular cleaning and they had this entertainment system. Some sort of goggles where he could watch a movie. I am very intriged by this. I know, I should really go to a dentist that is recommended for their abilities and not their entertainment. But why the hell not? I'm covered by insurance....let them pay for my entertainment!
I also made a switch back to my old shampoo. Occationally I will switch brands because I get fed up with the smell, but i must say Herbal Essence is the best, "YES, YES, YES." If only it could be as enchanting as the commercials make it out to be. I would be set! LOL According to the commercials, all you need is the shampoo to be satisfied. If that were true, im sure people wouldn't eat or sleep! I can't stand smelly shampoo...i've always had long hair, so it is always in my face. So, i of course have to buy a good smelling shampoo. I'm sure most men would agree, the shampoo makes a difference. When I had super long hair, people would tell me that they knew I was around because of the smell of the Herbal is potent stuff let me tell u.
Tomorrow is my day off! Guess what I'll be doing? SLEEPING SLEEPING....I am getting sleepy...........very sleepy...................
I really need to make an appointment with a dentist. It has been a while since i have gotten my teeth cleaned and I really could use the check up. I don't have a good dentist down in the LA area though. I had this one professor who spoke about his dentist. He said that he went in for a regular cleaning and they had this entertainment system. Some sort of goggles where he could watch a movie. I am very intriged by this. I know, I should really go to a dentist that is recommended for their abilities and not their entertainment. But why the hell not? I'm covered by insurance....let them pay for my entertainment!
I also made a switch back to my old shampoo. Occationally I will switch brands because I get fed up with the smell, but i must say Herbal Essence is the best, "YES, YES, YES." If only it could be as enchanting as the commercials make it out to be. I would be set! LOL According to the commercials, all you need is the shampoo to be satisfied. If that were true, im sure people wouldn't eat or sleep! I can't stand smelly shampoo...i've always had long hair, so it is always in my face. So, i of course have to buy a good smelling shampoo. I'm sure most men would agree, the shampoo makes a difference. When I had super long hair, people would tell me that they knew I was around because of the smell of the Herbal is potent stuff let me tell u.
Tomorrow is my day off! Guess what I'll be doing? SLEEPING SLEEPING....I am getting sleepy...........very sleepy...................
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