Monday, November 29, 2004

Grace: Something that I don't have, but think I do.

This has been a great day, for the most part. I woke up late, snuggled under my two blankets, comforter, and sheet. There is just something about waking up when there is absolutely nothing to do. So, I jumped in the shower after I decided to meet up with my friend Quyen at the mall to look for CFM boots, otherwise known as Come Fuck Me boots. All you men out there, be warned. Every girl has a pair of come fuck me shoes. They are the super high stiletto shoes that say, "here I am." Ok, maybe not every girl, but the ones who like to go out. Shit, even my bestfriend has a pair! After I bought my new shoes (two pair!), I also got an awesome halter satin shirt....I'll be dance'n in that one. So, I'm with my friend in the car and she decides to let me off on the side street. Ok, well there is a red zone there and I think I have discovered why it is a red zone. I'm getting really excited about getting all of my new things out of the back seat and I said my goodbyes to Quyen and swung my ass around really fast. Well, I turned so fast that I didn't see the pole that hit my face. The pole made a loud bang and began to wobble. If that wasn't bad enough, I just found out that when I went back to the car to tell my friend that I had hit my face on the pole, she immediately saw the evidence. There was a huge chalk mark across my face! She was laughing so hard and I ended up just walking away laughing, so she never told me! Ah, im not graceful whatsoever! SHit, and if that wasn't bad enough, This happened last week too! She parked in the same damn place, except I didn't hit my face, only my arm. Needless to say QUYEN you are not allowed to park there!

Another incident happened a couple of weeks ago. I was walking to school to meet up with a friend when this hispanic guy stopped at the light and proceded to make cat calls. Well, I was obviously bothered by it and when I walked in front of his car (I was in the crosswalk), I triped over my own feet. To make matters worse, he commented on my graceful act.

Have you ever noticed that when you are alone and something happens like this, you get really embarrassed. But when you are with your friends, you laugh at yourself? Imagine you are in a store and you trip and fall to the ground. You can't exactly laugh at yourself, because people will think you are crazy! However, when you are with your friends and the same thing happens, it makes more sense to laugh about it and make a joke.

On to a more sad note, so I came to the realization today that my brother can be a complete fucking asshole. He treated my mother like shit and does things on purpose to make her life miserable. My mother has worked her ass off her entire life. She raised and supported both my brother and I, all the while giving us things when she didn't have the money! My father was a complete ass too and it seems that my brother has gone to him more than the honest and decent people in his life. It is so sad. Especially since he is only hurting his own son. It just really hurts to see or hear as I did today, my Mom cry. I will never do that to my mom. It is just something you don't do. I'm just grateful I'm like my mom in that sense. If I had heard him say those things to my mother man......gosh that angers me. I probably would have decked him. And I don't get angry very often. Upset, maybe a little, but never really angry.

And a happy note to end this, I was looking through this box that my mother sent home with my bestfriend and there was all sorts of cool shit. I then opened this bag and there was this card set...I was kinda surprised. It was called Love: Truth or Dare. I opened it up, hoping that it might have some crazy fun in it, only to find out that it is a weird game that you play with a group of people....nothing crazy or kinky at all..Now, wat is the fun in that? I guess I am kinda glad my mom didn't buy me something like that. I might get a little worried.


Blogger Quyen said...

Holy shit! I was laughing so hard in the beginning of this post! :D I still remember chalk all over your face... At first, I couldn't tell whether it was chalk or if all the blood was rushing away from that part of your face... either way, I knew exactly where the pole hit you :P It looked like you got hit with a bag of flour... hehehe Sorry, I don't mean to be so insensitive... :) LOL All I will say is that they must be doing some heavy construction next door in order to get all that chalk on that pole! :D LOL

4:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come fuck me boots? jebus, that's a new one.
A better way to say come fuck me than a pair of boots; get naked and say "come fuck me." I assure you, the success rate is alarming. ( for woman that is... men just get slapped around when they try that strategy.)


6:10 PM  
Blogger Jenn & John said...

It's just another term for sexy shoes, you sicko! haha
It is all in good fun. ;)

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to buy a new pair of sneakers, and call them my 'come fuck me shoes.' So if women see me wearing addidas sometime soon they know what to do!


1:49 AM  

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