Saturday, April 09, 2005

I decided to do a name search on myself the other day. It was pretty amazing what my name was involved in. Everything from architecture to porn! Now control yourselves as I say this, but it wasn't me! I was so shocked, that I had to click on the link, and of course guess what the porn was linked to....LESBIANISM. Of course!!! Why not? It seems my name is very common. In fact, when I was younger, I went to the doctor when I was feeling ill and they were looking at someone else's chart with the same name! I once met another person with my name too. It was an odd feeling introducing myself and having them say the same thing back. WOWWIE!

Today after work, I went with my friend out shopping. We walked around Target and then went to the mall. I just had to stop in my favorite store....Sharper images. I just love those damn massage chairs. As I sat there, enjoying my reclining chair to the max, I see this woman walk in and I couldn't help but stare. It looked exactly like a girl I had grown up with since I was like 6! This girl and her friends procede to join me in the comfy massage chairs. then I caught myself staring again....the only thing now was this girl caught me with my mouth open staring at her. Then she was like, "Jennifer?" I was so shocked! My old friend had moved back to LA and is now working at CSUN in the education department! What a small world! I can't wait to get together with her again. It has been a few, we use to sit on our parents laps and suck our thumbs! I don't usuall admit that, but yes!!! It is true, I sucked my thumb until I was 7. It is so sad, yet, did I benefit in any way from it? hehe

As my evening wore on, a few other friends and I ended up at this mexican resturant in LA where they had live Mariachi music. It was absolutely wonderful! I can't say that I am a fan of this style of music, but I definately enjoyed this evening. Their intonation was incredible for the most part (minus one song). I was very moved. I had a couple drinks and got home fairly early. Unfortunately, work calls early tomorrow...and dancing calls late tomorrow night....hmm, I guess I'll have to squeeze one of my naps in there somehow. Ah, the joys of being young and single!


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