Friday, February 04, 2005

I am the best napper on the planet. I love a good nap. Well, this evening I fell asleep and had a very disturbing dream. In fact, maybe I shouldn't tell every detail, but it intrigued me. It starts off with this cook off. It was myself and two other people. We had to make something out of what little ingredients we had available. Well, I ended up cutting my thumb. And I actually debated whether or not to use it! I was so disgusted when I woke up!!! But I decided not to use it because that would mean I would lose my thumb. In the dream I was pretty torn up though. I didn't know what to do. Gross!!! Now we all know why my old screenname and email use to be crazidreamer. So I looked up what it might mean in my dream book. The thumb usually represents power. So maybe I am powerless in some situations.....hmmmm.....I don't know.

So I've been under the impression by a few people that I do not seem as conservative as I am. In other words, I get around. This is far from the truth. As most of you know, I am not this way at all. The topic about how one dresses came up in conversation recently. Guys tend to believe that if a girl dresses sexy, it is to get laid. Ok ok, I do understand this. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck right? Actually, most of the time women dress a certain way just for attention. I know that if I wear my high cut skirt with a black tube top and spike heels, I know I'll get a few looks. So why not? But back to the subject....I do speak freely when it comes to many subjects. My mother was always pretty open with me when I was growing up, so nothing seems new to me and i'm not afraid to talk about anything. I use to be way more conservative before I met my last boyfriend. I guess you could say he brought about a different side of me. However, I still consider myself to be a conservative. When I go to a club, I go to dance and not meet men. I know I know, this is weird. But I LOVE to dance....and why the hell would I go try to meet men in a bar? I want someone who is a little more conservative too I guess....someone who doesn't go out all of the time...if u meet someone in a bar, chances are they do that often. Not my cup of tea. I mean, it is nice to go out and have fun, but not all of the time. Too much for this girl!

Which brings me to my next point....I was wandering through Walgreens the other day with my friend. We went down the isle looking for tums and I saw Gas X. This lead to some interesting conversation. If I ran into a guy that bought Gas X, I don't think I would date him. Think about it, if the guy uses it, he must be gay! Either that or he just cares way to much. If a guy pops that shit like vitamins, I would stay clear of him! I mean, seriously.....I would much rather hear a guy fart than hear him say, I must go take my gas x right now. It was just a funny thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys don't think that just because a girl dresses sexy, it means they want to get laid. What we do think is this: If you dress real sexy, then we think you do that because you want people to notice, and this is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. There's no such thing as someone doing it just because they want to look good for themselves. I would think a girl would want to get laid if she came up to me and said: "hey, want to get laid?" But no, sexy clothes is asking for attention that might lead to sex.. not asking for the sex itself. Though, yeah, there are some women out there that are doing that too.

Yeah, sure, you love to dance. Whatever. You're not going to NOT dance with a guy you think is hot at a club if he asks you, hmmm? And you know what, most people would do the same, so does that make you conservative because you go just to have fun? No. Also, that guy at walgreens buying GAS-X is buying it because he doesn't want people to hear or smell his farts. Conservative? Maybe, if so, and you are, as you proclaim, 'conservative,' you should go on a date with the GAS-X guy. You guys might be a match!!!


3:38 AM  

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