Tuesday, January 25, 2005


What a day. I have to bitch about a few things. Many people wonder why I write shit on this blog...."it's so personal," or "everyone in the world can read what you write," etc. etc. Truth be told, I don't really care who reads this. Maybe my experiences in life may help someone else, or maybe they just like to read about the stupid shit that fascinates my simple mind. Either way, I don't have anything to hide.

So, I like to think of myself as a responsible drinker...when i do drink that is. I make sure that there is a designated driver, that I am the DD driver or that there is a cab available. Last week I arranged for the transportation. I knew that it would be a fun night out and that I would drink a few drinks. I wanted my company not to drive or worry about it. So I arranged for transportation. I took care of business and made sure everyone was safe. One thing that pisses me off more than anything is when people drink and then drive. OK, yes I care about my friends and I do worry for their safety, but FUCK YOU if you drink and drive. I'm not so worried for your sake, but for the other innocent people and children that you could possibly kill! Do you think those children ask for that? I think not! I think that is one reason why I waited until I was 21 to drink. I don't care if others drink, so long as they do it responsibly. I guess it is my personal issue. I remember being 8 years old riding in the back of that car, not knowing if I would get home. Every time my father would take my brother and I for the weekend the Sunday ride home would always worry me. I would always stare off into the sky and avoid looking at the road. I've watched many beautiful sunsets that is for sure. That isn't normal! For such a young child to worry about those kind of things. Not only that, I would be embarrassed if my father would ever show up to any of my music things because believe me, you can smell alcohol. I think that is why I swore off alcohol for so long. I love how family members defend their family too. I've been there...ok, not for long, but i've been there. Oh, he only drinks when he gets home from his hard day at work. I think you are lying to yourself and your family when you say that. Shit, the person who says that is in as much denial as the alcoholic. It's a disease that affects everyone around you. I don't think there is anything wrong with an occational social drink...this I do, but all of the time? That isn't normal.

I'm grateful for the experiences that I have had with this disease....what I have seen with it. Luckily I will never experience this myself....I will see to it. I've learned too much from others to know what my limit is. I just want to say kudos to those of you who realize that this is a disease and you can overcome it. It is a difficult road to travel....but I know you will be successful and beat this. Baby steps...Baby steps. Sometimes God does answer prayers. :)


Blogger Quyen said...

Alcoholism is a very scary thing... especially for young kids. I'm sorry you had to go through all that, but it may have been a blessing in disguise in the end.

3:48 AM  
Blogger Jenn & John said...

I'm not sorry. It has shaped me to be the person I am. I just hope people won't be so stupid. :)

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that people who brush off a few drinks after a "hard days work" is denial in the worst case and I too agree that if you drink; make sure that you are responsible about it.... nothing better than having cabbies as friends and all my other friends knowing the difference between being drunk and sober. At least you put forth the effort to make sure you and your friends had safe transportation.

5:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but maybe I'm not the best person to post on the topic at the moment because I am presently drunk beyond all belief and I also posted the last comment. sorry for posting while drunk jenn.

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alcoholics can still get a DD. Can't use that as an excuse!

8:03 PM  
Blogger Jenn & John said...

A DD is not an excuse, but a safer way. My point was that there are to many people that drink and drive.....too many that I know, so they should get the point and find a DD.

2:51 AM  

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