So, tonight a bunch of us are going salsa dancing. Not sure which place it is going to be yet, but probably either Mama Juanas or some other club a friend can get us on the guest list for. I'm actually a little nervous. I haven't danced in a long long time. Not only that I don't have a partner to go with, so it is a little strange. Not that I ever went salsa dancing with a partner before....well, once like four years ago I think. But other than that, we use to just goes as a big group and dance with our friends. I am looking forward to it. I want to have a few drinks first, then that will loosen me up and I won't care how I dance. I will just have a lot of fun. Shit, I don't even think I remember anything but the basic step...oh well.
My day was actually pretty good. Work sucked as usual, but I had a lot of good laughs and I was suprisingly really wired. I really should stop drinking caffeine. I was pretty much running through the resturant I was so wound up. People were friendly for the most part today, except for with their money. The tips sucked. Ah, I still have a job and I'm still making money, right? LOL, I was hit by an old lady though! I was joking with her and she wacked me on the arm and said to stop...hehe, I know she was just kidding. But man did that surprise me.
I don't know if I'm ready to get out into the night life scene. I've always like to go out and do things, but never really in clubs. I'm sure that is where my nerves come from. But I guess the answer to that is BOOZE. It will definately calm my nerves, but I don't want to be forward. Certainly not like a few weeks ago, because that was not me. I guess I should clean a little....I seem to be the house wife here. Ang takes out the trash and runs the dish washer, I mop the floors and scrub the sinks. Works for me.
My day was actually pretty good. Work sucked as usual, but I had a lot of good laughs and I was suprisingly really wired. I really should stop drinking caffeine. I was pretty much running through the resturant I was so wound up. People were friendly for the most part today, except for with their money. The tips sucked. Ah, I still have a job and I'm still making money, right? LOL, I was hit by an old lady though! I was joking with her and she wacked me on the arm and said to stop...hehe, I know she was just kidding. But man did that surprise me.
I don't know if I'm ready to get out into the night life scene. I've always like to go out and do things, but never really in clubs. I'm sure that is where my nerves come from. But I guess the answer to that is BOOZE. It will definately calm my nerves, but I don't want to be forward. Certainly not like a few weeks ago, because that was not me. I guess I should clean a little....I seem to be the house wife here. Ang takes out the trash and runs the dish washer, I mop the floors and scrub the sinks. Works for me.
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