Friday, November 05, 2004

Love is blind?

Love is a funny thing. It comes in all shapes and forms. Its interesting how people can write off others so easily. Especially in the dating process. I've noticed that most of us look only at the exterior, then eventually to what is on the inside. You know the deal, you go to a club or party. Get all prettied up to scope out the hottest guys (or girls) that are there. If they past that test, then maybe they can move on to the next phase. Its so idiotic....all a part of the dating game. Yes, the dating game is so much fun. I went to a party last week and had a fantastic time getting to know people...from what i remember, i was pretty darn tipsy. Ok, i was hammered beyond belief. So, this brings me back to the subject of love. Love can be blind, so I've heard. You are so wrapped up in your own little world of "happiness" you don't manage to see what is going on around you. Ok, sometimes this can be good, especially if you are both in this zone together. Can love be that blind? Or do we just fool ourselves....we know, but won't admit things about what is really going on in the world.

Lately i've been getting in touch with the dream world. It is amazing how so many of your thoughts come out in your dreams, yet most people don't pay attention to them. If you begin to really pay attention to what is goign on in your dreams, and how they can relate to your life, its really interesting how your subconscious begins to speak to you. The ideas that scared me most seemed to come out in my dreams all of the time. My subconscious wouldn't let me not deal with the situations. So, I don't think love is blind. Not entirely.


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