Thursday, April 14, 2005


Its almost 3:30am. I cannot sleep! Maybe it is because I am at my friends house and not in my own bed. Damnit! This is suppose to be my good sleep night too...I don't have to get my ass up early tomorrow. This fucking sucks!

I was kinda disturbed when I woke up too. Maybe I shouldn't talk about this in my blog but I found it somewhat amusing. I woke up to find that I was groping my boob. WTF? What if I had a roommate? Who knew I would do such a crazy thing in my sleep! Now, that being said, this brings me to another thought....what else do we do in our sleep? I've heard of stories (no names here, i swear) where people talk in their sleep, pick their nose in their sleep, hump in their sleep,etc. If only we could be this entertaining awake! The only other thing I've been told that I do is tickle my arms in my massage them in midair. I actually freaked out my roommate one night. She looked over to see me with my arms straight up in the air. I've also been known to sleep walk and wake up with out pajamas. I'm a freak even when I am asleep! So, going back to the boob thing...I never remember erotic dreams. I swear I never have them. I've had 7 that I can remember in my entire life. I would say that is a pretty small number, wouldn't you? So, was I having an erotic dream? I certainly hope I could remember them!!!!

The time is 3:36. Am I sleepy yet? FUCK NO!!!! Why me?! I wanna sleep....I'm definately gonna have to nap tomorrow.




I guess I will try to lay back down. F(#* this night.

Running would be so theraputic right now. No one around. Just me and the night. Too bad I'm a girl and could never do that. Ok, I'm officially a cranky bitch at this moment in time...


Blogger Quyen said...

Ha! That's what you get for not talking to me! :P

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just kidding....

You most definitely have had more erotic dreams than that.. you just can't remember having had them. Everyone dreams every night, lots of dreams too, it's just that we don't usually remember most of them. I personally remember one dream every three weeks or so. That kind of sucks.

Another probably can't think because you're anxious about coming out of the closet!!!

Alright, two lesbian quips... i'll see how many more I can figure out...

Here's one... you can't 'run' away from being lesbian Jenn.. no late night jogs will burn that out of you... just fucking come out of the closet already....

Enough for tonight....


3:26 AM  
Blogger Quyen said...

LM fucking AO! AS, you are too funny! :P

4:55 PM  
Blogger Jenn & John said...

what can i say about all of that? maybe i am a lesbian....unfortunately I like men way too much!

6:46 PM  

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